Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Here in Ohio the world is still frozen, but people are getting antsy. I always think time moves too fast and I'm clinging to this winter with my claws in deep. I have Peter Pan syndrome.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Photos of Jen Kao by Stefani Pappas.

London gal and New York Beauty from The Sartorialist.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Pretty baubles from Vagabond Jewelry.

Check them out if you like the "raw" jewelry trend. I'm just window shopping though. I need a sugar daddy. =]


Saturday, January 15, 2011


The magazine is my guilty pleasure. When I'm feeling down, I'll "splurge" on some nice chocolates, maybe some new nail polish, and a cosmo. Here's a tip, they're less fun to read when you're single. =] Why did I have to buy the valentines issue? Oh, well!

Apparently, according to Cosmo, "Flowy" is out. Who knew? I enjoy a nice, structured dress as much as the next vintage-lovin' gal, but I'm not ready to let go of all my sheer, pretty, summer things just yet.

Anyway! who wants a boring post about my life with no pictures? Want to see my new nail polish? I thought so.

. . .and since my pictures are so crap, here's one from google.

It's actually from a blog called "polishology.blogspot.com"

The color is called "Rich in Spirit." Ironic, (considering the name of my blog) no? Well, I think it's a clever name. My first thought upon seeing the finished product was "Oh! Pretty! It looks like fairy puke!" We should all be thankful that the clever names are left to the pros.

Owl Thermal- Forever 21 - $12.50
Nicole by O.P.I. in"Rich in Spirit" - $7.00


Edit: I could have sworn I paid $12.50 for that shirt, but it's $13.80 on the web site. Maybe I'm just crazy. =]

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Anyone else notice the nonsense going on with zodiac symbols? I suppose it only takes effect if you were born after 2009.

Weird sweatshirt and acid wash jeans from Hot Topic. Don't remember the price for either. Sorry! =]

Nail Polish is Essie's "sew psyched".

-Happy to still be a Libra

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To Rule Them All

Some new rings I found at an Antique Warehouse recently. The more dainty, zodiac themed ring was only $8 and the larger, tree-bark looking one was $23. They are both sterling silver and I think I got a pretty good deal. What do you think? Pretty?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Seal Sale

I'm a sucker for basics. Even bigger sucker for cheap basics. Biggest sucker for cheap basics in shades of gray.

Seal picture stolen from Flickr.
Light gray tank and medium gray tie tee are from the Wet Seal 3 for $15 sale.
Dark gray sweater with wooden buttons also from Wet Seal, but it's quite a bit older and most likely not for sale anymore.
Nail polish is Enchanted Forrest by Orly.